The Personality Puzzle – Type for Adults



A 22 card resource, ideal for coaching using the Myers-Briggs model for understanding and verifying ‘best-fit’ personality type. Includes preference cards for each of the 8 preferences and 16 whole type descriptions. Cards linking personality with career direction  as well as preferred learning environments are also included, these are ideal for careers counselling and educators. An e-Guidebook is also available with  essential  information on how to use the resource, coaching questions, type dynamics, dominant functions and much more.

The Personality Puzzle can be used for all Type interpretations and verifications and is currently used by MBTI professionals all around the world. It’s greatest strength lies in its ability to set up an environment for creating meaningful conversations. Coaching becomes interactive, engaging and rewarding.

Please view the videos and go to pages on training, practical tips, testimonials and blogs for more information.

Please contact Sue if you have any questions at all.

Many thanks!

Card Sort Coaching Webinars

A series of card sort coaching webinars are available to help boost your confidence in using Myers-Briggs® in your work. Visit the Training Webinars page for more information.

Type for Adults Video